Consulates in Iran Consulates in Iran

Consulates in Iran

(i) Consulate of India, Zahedan
Name of Consul/HOP: Mr. Devender Kumar Kaushik

Consulate of India, Ayatollah Kafemi Avenue,
Near Gurdwara (Sikh Temple),
Sistan Baluchistan Province
Tel: 0098-54-3322 2337
Fax: 0098-54-3322 1740
Email: hoc[dot]zahidan[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Timings: 0830 – 1700 hours
Total Number of Provinces under COI, Zahedan:
Sistan and Baluchestan Province
Kerman Province
Khorasan-e Jonobi Province
Khorasan Razavi Province

Right to Information

In pursuance of Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005, the following officers have been designated as the RTI Public Information Officer (PIO) to deal with the RTI applications from Indian nationals and NRIs working and living in the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Mr. Devender Kumar Kaushik
Consul & Public Information Officer

Consulate of India, Ayatollah Kafemi Avenue,
Near Gurdwara (Sikh Temple),
Sistan Baluchistan Province
Tel: 0098-54-3322 2337
Fax: 0098-54-3322 1740
Email: hoc[dot]zahidan[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Mr. John Mai
Deputy Chief of Mission & Appellate Authority

Embassy of India, 22 Mir Emad Street, Corner of 9th Alley, Tehran
P.O. Box No. 15875-4118Tel: +98 21 88755103-5
Fax: +98 21 88755973
Email: dcm[dot]tehran[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

(ii) Consulate of India, Bandar Abbas:
Name of Consul/HOP: Shri Kaushik Sengupta

No. 43, Khiyaban-e-Hikmat,
Gulshehr (South),
Bandar Abbas
Hormozgan Province
Tel: 0098-76-3361 8049
Fax: 0098-76-3361 8053
Timings: 0900 – 1730 hours

Total Number of Provinces under COI, Bandar Abbas:
Hormozgan Province
Yazd Province
Fars Province
Bushehr Province
Khuzestan Province
Kohiloyeh Boyar Ahmed Province

Right to Information

In pursuance of Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005, the following officers have been designated as the RTI Public Information Officer (PIO) to deal with the RTI applications from Indian nationals and NRIs working and living in the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Shri Kaushik Sengupta
Consul & Public Information Officer

Consulate of India, No. 43, Khiyaban-e-Hikmat,
Gulshehr (South), Bandar Abbas
Tel: +987633618049
Fax: +987633618053
Email: hoc[dot]babbas[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Mr. John Mai
Deputy Chief of Mission & Appellate Authority

Embassy of India, 22 Mir Emad Street, Corner of 9th Alley, Tehran
P.O. Box No. 15875-4118Tel: +98 21 88755103-5
Fax: +98 21 88755973
Email: dcm[dot]tehran[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

The Right to Information under the provisions of the RTI Act is available to the citizens of India only. RTI Act is an important legislation designed to promote transparency and accountability in the functioning of public authorities.

The full text of the RTI Act is available on the weblink: RTI-Act.pdf. pdf

The RTI Act also provides for appeals by aggrieved persons to the Central Information Commission of the Government of India.

Indian citizens resident in Islamic Republic of Iran may seek information in writing on payment of requisite fee during office hours on working days as per procedure laid down in the RTI Act, 2005.

It may be noted that information provided under the Act is available to citizens of India only. Applications should be submitted along with documentary proof of Indian Citizenship (like copy of personal particulars pages of passport). More information is available at  extlink The mailing address is 22 Mir-Emad, Corner of 9th Str., Dr. Beheshti Ave., Tehran, P.O. Box No.15875-4118.

It may also be pointed out that as per section 6(1) (a) of the RTI Act, 2005, a person who desires to obtain information under the Act is required to submit the application to the Information Officer of the “concerned public authority”. Applicants are, therefore, advised to send their requests under the RTI Act to the Embassy/Consulate only when the subject matter can reasonably be presumed to pertain to the respective Embassy/Consulate. While section 6 (3) provides for the transfer of an application by a receiving PIO to another [concerned] PIO, this is clearly meant to cover situations where the application is addressed to a PIO on the assumption that it has been directed to the concerned PIO. Where the information required obviously does not pertain to the Embassy/Consulate, the application may be addressed to the concerned PIO directly.

Payment of RTI fee online - Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO)

The scheme of Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) has been launched by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, in association with Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). This would enable the Indian citizens abroad to pay the RTI fee online. An Indian Postal Order can be purchased electronically by paying a fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal or through India Post website. The web-links for payment are: extlink

A Credit Card or Debit Card can be used for this purpose.


The RTI applicant is required to register on the website to create his/ her profile. Then the applicant has to select the Ministry/ Department from whom he/she desires to seek information under the RTI Act. The eIPO is generated which can be used to seek information from that Ministry/ Department only. A printout of the eIPO is required to be attached with the RTI application sent in hard copy. In case RTI application is filed electronically, the eIPO is enclosed as an attachment. The profile is required to be created during the first time only.

The RTI application accompanied by an eIPO is similar in all respects to the RTI application accompanied by fees through any other approved mode. All the provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc; as provided in the RTI Act, 2005 continue to apply.

Currently, this facility is available only for Indian Citizens living anywhere other than in India. By this measure, those living abroad are enabled to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005.

Extension of IPO Facility to Indians citizens residing in India

The Department of Posts has extended the “eIPO” (electronic Indian Postal Order) service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. 13.02.2014, for purchasing Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a fee online through e-Post Office Portal i.e extlink It can also be accessed through India Post website

This facility has been provided for Indian citizens to enable them to seek information from the Central Public information Officers (CPIOs) under the RTI Act, 2005. Debit or Credit Cards can be used to purchase e-IPO.

The user needs to get registered at the website. The user has to select the Ministry/ Department from whom he/she desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the eIPO so generated can be used to seek the information from that Ministry/Department only. A print out of the eIPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, eIPO is required to be attached as an attachment.

This facility is only for purchasing an Indian Postal Order electronically. All the requirements for filling an RTI application as well as other provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc. will continue to apply.

An eIPO so generated must be used only once with an RTI application.
