Attestation and Miscellaneous Consular Services Attestation and Miscellaneous Consular Services

Attestation and Miscellaneous Consular Services


Receipt of applications (with prior appointment only)

Working Days - 0900 - 1300 hrs.

Delivery of documents

Working days: 0900 - 1700 hrs

Note: Note: Prior appointment is needed before visiting this Embassy for any attestation and miscellaneous consular services . The appointment can be scheduled by sending an email to

The Embassy of India in Tehran provides Attestation and Miscellaneous Consular Services to both Indian and foreign nationals. To avail these services, applicants must schedule an appointment to visit the Embassy along with the relevant documents.



For attestation related to Affidavits/ Power of Attorney/ Civil document (Educational documents, Passport copy, Will, Driving licence etc) applicant needs to appear in person for submitting his/ her application. If there is a provision for signature by witnesses in the Affidavits/ Power of Attorney, the witnesses also need to appear in person along with their passport.

Documents required:

   (i) Document (to be attested) in original along with self attested photocopy,

   (ii) Passport and resident permit in original along with self attested photocopy,

   (iii) Letter indicating purpose of attestation,

   (iv) 01 current photograph (Size: 51mm x 51 mm)

   (v) Duly filled miscellaneous service form

Please be informed that if applicant does not hold Indian Passport/Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card/ PIO Card, the affidavit/ POA to be attested, needs to be first attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Please also note that all documents issued in India must be apostilled/ attested by Ministry of External Affairs of India and all the documents issued in the Islamic Republic Iran by Iranian authorities including all public institutions, schools, colleges, banks, companies, private organizations etc. must be first attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran before they can be attested by this Embassy.


Applicant with foreign passport (other than Indian passport) may apply for PCC for their previous stay in India. Applicant can visit this Embassy along with the following documents:

   (i) Duly filled PCC application form,

   (ii) Current and old passport(s) in original along with self attested photocopy,

   (iii) Copy of the Indian Visa during the period of stay in India

   (iv) 01 Photograph (Size: 51mm x 51 mm),

   (v) Letter indicating purpose and country, for which PCC is required,

   (vi) Duly filled miscellaneous service form,


Indian nationals residing in the Islamic Republic of Iran can apply for civil certificates such as NRI certificate, Introduction letter etc. Applicant can visit this Embassy along with the following documents:

   (i) Passport and residence permit in original along with self attested photocopy,

   (ii) Current and old passport(s) in original along with self attested photocopy,

   (ii) Letter indicating purpose of issue of certificate,

   (iii) 01 Photograph (Size: 51mm x 51 mm),

   (iv) Photocopies of all pages of current passport (for NRI Certificate only)

   (v) Duly filled declaration (for NRI Certificate only)

   (vi) Duly filled miscellaneous service form


For attestation related to pension papers/life certificate etc, applicant can visit this Embassy along with the following documents:

   (i) Duly filled form for Life Certificate issued by the concerned authority,

   (ii) Pension order from the concerned Government body/organization,

   (iii) Passport and residence permit in original along with self attested photocopy,,

   (iv) Letter indicating the purpose of attestation

   (v) Photograph (Size: 51mm x 51 mm),

   (vi) Duly filled miscellaneous service form


Death of Indian nationals should be registered with the Embassy by submitting the following documents:

   (i) Original Death Certificate issued by Iranian authorities along with official translation in English duly attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran,

   (ii) Original Passport of the deceased along with photocopy,

   (iii) Original passport of informant along with self attested photocopy,

   (iv) Duly filled miscellaneous service form

   (v) Photograph (Size: 51mm x 51 mm),

   (vi) Duly filled miscellaneous service form


(A) Marriages between the two individuals, at least one of whom is an Indian citizen with a residence visa of the Islamic Republic of Iran, are solemnized/ registered at the Embassy, under Foreign Marriage Act, 1969. Prospective couple may approach the Embassy along with the three witnesses and following documents:

For registration of Marriage:

   (i) Duly filled Marriage registration form

   (ii) Passport and residence permit of couple in original along with self attested photocopy.

   (iii) Passport and residence permit of three witnesses in original along with self attested photocopy.

   (iv) Marriage Certificate issued by Iranian authority duly translated into English and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

   (v) In case one of the individuals is non-Iranian foreign national, a non-impediment certificate from the Embassy of the foreign national certifying the martial status of foreign national. If the Embassy/Consulate does not issue such certificate, a Sworn Affidavit attested by the respective Embassy needs to be submitted

   (vi) A certificate from the Embassy of the foreign national stating that his/her country’s respective law does not prohibit their nationals from marrying foreign national and there is no objection in registering his/her marriage at the Embassy of India in Tehran.

   (vii) Present addresses proof of the parents of the couple and “No Objection” from parents for registration of the marriage at Embassy of India in Tehran.

   (viii) 02 current photographs of couple (Size: 51mm x 51 mm)

   (ix) Duly filled miscellaneous service form

For solemnization of Marriage:

   (i) Duly filled form for ‘Notice of Intended Marriage’ and declaration by Prospective Bride and Groom for solemnization of marriage

   (ii) Passport and residence permit of couple in original along with self attested photocopy.

   (iii) Passport and residence permit of three witnesses in original along with self attested photocopy.

   (iv) Singleness Certificate/ Divorce decree/ Death certificate.

   (v) In case one of the individuals is non-Iranian foreign national, a certificate from the Embassy of the foreign national stating that his/her country’s respective law does not prohibit their nationals from marrying foreign national and there is no objection in registering/ solemnizing his/her marriage at the Embassy of India in Tehran.

   (vi) Present addresses proof of the parents of the couple and “No Objection” from parents for solemnization of the marriage at Embassy of India in Tehran.

   (vii) 02 current photographs of couple (Size: 51mm x 51 mm)

   (viii) Duly filled miscellaneous service form

   (ix) Duly filled miscellaneous service form

(B) All five persons (couple+3 witnesses) are required to appear before Marriage Officer for signatures along with their original passport and its photocopy, both at the time of submission of Forms and solemnization/registration of the Marriage.

(C) For solemnization of marriage; after submission of form, newspaper notice is to be given by the couple for publication in local English Newspaper (in the Islamic Republic of Iran) as well as English Newspaper in India home country (at the place of permanent residence as indicated in the passport). The advertisement should contain the full text provided by the Embassy. After the publication of the notice, the newspaper needs to be submitted in original. A date, at least 30 days after the date of last publication of the notice is assigned for solemnization of marriage.

(D) On the scheduled date the prospective couple, along with the three witnesses, need to come to the Embassy for solemnization/registration of the marriage. They should carry their original passport.


A Certificate of Bachelorhood/ Single-Status can be issued by the area Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) or District Magistrate or Court authorities. It may kindly be noted that issuance of this kind of certificate falls within the jurisdiction of the authorities of the concerned State Government/ Union Territory of India. This certificate is required to be attested by the designated officers of the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi in India. Once certificate is attested by the Ministry of External Affairs, the applicant may approach this Embassy for further attestation.


(a) Photocopies submitted along with the application must be self-attested and original documents are required to be presented for verification at the counter. After verification, original documents will be returned to the applicant.

(b) Please note that certain other documents may also be required which can be ascertained only when the applicant comes in person along with all the original documents.

(c) Fee for Passport and Consular Service may be checked at our website in Fee Structure column. Please note that Fee will be collected in Cash only.

(d) Applicants are requested to bring passport and the fee receipt in original for collection of passport/ documents.